Monday, December 13, 2004

Ommition is Bliss... you attempted bluffing...that went wrong, you just don't know me do you? I'm not as weak as to get into a depression because of you. The world doesn't revolve around you, you know. ( I hope you know) said I was a pain for I called too often, ok, I did call too often, I knew that I shouldn't but I did. Only because you said I could, if I felt sad. Ok I did, I do, but not because I'm still emotionally involved with you, but because you let me down as a person, you lied, deceived, ignored, ommited and couldn't care less about anyhing but yourself. You were selfish and self-centered, and only wanted what was best for you.
You never cared, did you?
I'm really sorry about having been a nuissance for you, I never meant to, you know I never did.
I hope someday you forgive me for trusting you blindly, and thinking you were there for me naively... I am here, whatever you need, whenever you do, all you have to do is call (like the song, cool), that's that, just snap, whistle of yell and I'll help you in any way you can.
The only thing I won't ever do ever ever ever rely on you for anything, this will be a one way relationship, if you want it: I'll do anything if you need me to, but won't ask for anything back...I might not like what I get.

You just didn't need to go telling one of my closest friends I'm a pain and a Phsycho...when you know I'm not...I'm just not in my best heart-mind composition.
Just count on me, ok? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am, you can't hurt me enough for me to hate you...but you can strain me enough for me not to trust you.

Bye, until you're ready to face me, or want to, if you don't want to, it's because you just wanted to get rid of me...
Love, as

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