Sunday, December 05, 2004

For the Record

For the record, I'm not a phsyco, I'm not mentally disturbed, and I don't hurt people intentionally. I shan't lie, I shan't cry, and I shan't ask you to do sth. you don't even want to think about doing.
I will never try to regain you, I will never play you foul tricks, and I will never discuss any matter of any similar sort with you.
There is no need for you to feel pity, guilt or other kind of feeling of that type for me, I'll survive, as I always do.
Forget about it, there was nothing wrong with what you did, except perhaps talking those things about me without telling them to me. I understand, however, that it would have been quite awkward to say evth to me, but you should've done so, it would've been easier.
I will now begin to metamorphose into my old cynical, destructive self, I might be colder, but not less friendly, don't worry, you're great!
And now, as the topping icing of the cake, THE SOULLESS, BLOODSHEDDING, CHRISTENED VAMPLADY IS BACK.

love, always.

1 comment:

siddsteve said...

Gaia is indeed a quite interesting, yet misteryous character. I know some of her mistery. Do you? No. You dont even know the interesting part. I will never forget you what you did. Will I? It has nothing to do with me, anyway. And you don't care abaut my opinion. Did you know what you were doing? I did. I was careful.
Let us use our experience for good in the future. What else can we do?