Saturday, December 04, 2004


Careful with your words, make sure they are sweet, in case you have to swallow them someday. Nice phrase, different meanings, it depends on what your telescope aims at. Your views of life might be intrincated and misty, it's hard to get away with life without regret. Regret is one of the merest and yet the most important factor of moodiness and low karma. Believe it or not, life's a glass dome, all that's inside is trapped until it crashes against the cold pavement. Trust me or not, it will crash, and regenerate into a different kind of dome, one more resistent than the other, first glass, then acrilic, then diamonds....You shall die anyhow. You will, I will, everybody will, there's no route to eternity.
Don't fear, have no scaring tantrums. No more fits of rage and cries of pain. Live your life and enjoy...regret, cry and laugh, laugh at yourself everytime you cry, that's the only way of realising that there's no need to cry. Only when necessary.
It may sound utterly impossible, but it is possible. Love yourself, spread love, and leave this world with a stained concience. There's no way of getting away with a purely clean one....hahaha.
You will die, don't worry, that's the only thing you can be certain about in life.

Beloved world, I depart for the time being.

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