Sunday, February 13, 2005

It's all over...for now

Not in a bad way, of course, in a particularly good way.
No more crying in corners, seeking for solutions ot problems in my own head (and only there) and attempting to force situations/relationships, etc.
I've given up on myself so many times that I find it kinda hard to trust me anymore, but, given that everybody deserves second chances, I might as well give myself one, right?
(that was a rethorical question, don't answer.)
However, I've found that self-confidence (in a nice, standard proportion), is quite good for life.
I've got that now, due to several situations I went through in the last few weeks....maybe only the last couple of weeks.
I'm high on life kids...I'm hilariously happy, and as scintillating and bright as a star, or maybe just the moon's sister.
I'm gonna go now, I'm done with the explanation of my actual state if mind, and even if my car doesn't work (?)
"Can't you see?, life's easy, if you see the things from another point of view"
That phrase crowns my existence now, and it's good enough to live by.
I thank evbdy for your contribution to my wellbeing!
Love you, all
Autumn toddler I'm in love with you (but u know it)
Kisses and sincere flawless love (for now)


siddsteve said...

Didn't look like an explanation at all, more like, you had to tell your fellow friends how you feel. That's more than ok. I trust you. I believe in your self-confidence. I've seen you accomplishing great deals of things, and passing through pain which could make some other people commit suicide. I have no doubt you will succeed
And if you're lying to yourself? No problem there either, we all do that, lie to ourselves to be happy. The death of a thing is the birth of another. Change is unavoidable. The important thing for us is to remember who we are and don't lose ourselves in the change nebula. There are things we are allowed to carry among us, but they are limited. May you have a smooth deviation, Gaia.
Best Regards.

clara elena said...

i don't even know you, but anyway, glad for you!

it's so beautiful to find another point of view and feel happy for that, and self-confidence!
well, great!


Mynna said...

May I have a smooth deviation? And I thought MY english was intricate...anyhow, yeah it sure feels good to be oneself once more!!!!
At least I don't feel like human crap, right? lol
fina, thxs for the comments, I really appreciate them u guys!!!!!
love lots of love!!!

andrea said...

I usually don't stop to write comments, but your blog caught my eye...mainly because I have been going through what sounds about the same situation as yourself. Trying to find some confidence and trust in myself because I began to realize that because I had none in myself, I had none in others as well. I hope the best for you...just keep swimming! :)

siddsteve said...

By saying "May you have a smooth deviation,..." I was expressing my wish that you overcame your differences with yourself and the "point of view" transition you are planning to make, in a slight, not agressive way... not losing yourself, feeling the less amount of pain possible.
More Regards!

Mynna said...

Andrea: Thanks alot for your comment! About your relating to my actual state, it sorta happens very often lately (somehow).
The truth is, you can't trust ppl if you don't trust yourself, and there's not complete truth in the phrase that claims that if you have love towards your own self, then you can't love others.
You cimply can't love if you're insecure and undervalued!!!!
I'll keep on swimming, you keep swimming as well!!
SiddSteve: always a pleasure to hear (read) explanations of such rich content and beauty.
Thanks a lot for the regards, and all I cans ay is....RIGHT BACK AT YA!
Love, luck, lust and passion

Mynna said...

I apologise for some of my mistakes...cimply...god, can't I stare at the keyboard once?