Insomnia has turned out to be a daily aspect of my life, this time I did go out, so it could simply be the rush of seeing friends and having drinks that just needs to wear off and let me slowly drain my brain of ideas and let it doze off to its rest.
We all know that is not going to happen.
It probably happens with everyone though, I think, in general, we all spend most of our "awake time" thinking about something. The question is: is there a limit? is there a point in thinking where we should draw the line? cut back? give ourselves a break? When do we stop thinking and start overthinking? can all this questioning be considered overthinking or is it just an annoying form of curiosity?
It's easy to write "the question is" and then turn it into a "the questions are", simply because life, human nature, and reaction can't all be put together into one question. There is no Question that sums life up, or thought, or personalities, or anything, for that matter.
There is no snooze button or "sleep" option in our minds, we simply function at different speeds and intensities according to the different circumstances, days, situations and relationships we go through.
There is no "definition of life" in the same way that there is no upbringing that determines behaviour, personality pattern that defines every person in depth, social influence that makes us act in this or that way, chromosome that determines our sexual preferences, or healthcare that keeps us healthy.
Everything is so complex and mazey (new word) that we simply can't put things into labeled boxes according to things in common.
This is not a "shape, size and colour" classification, this is people, this is life, this is circumstance, this is influence, it is everything that does not fall into a group or status, it is personal, rich, complicated and beautiful.
Difference is beautiful.
The mind is beautiful.
The mind is different in everyone.
Everyone makes a difference, just because they are, in fact, different.
And their mere existence makes a new mark on the pages of the book of life.
Which cannot be arranged by time, age, numbers, alphabetically, or categorized in any way.
I'm sorry if I blow some bubbles, but noone gets and index or a manual when they're pulled out of the womb crying for hell's air, and anyone who says they've got the key to a full life is full of shit. (which at least proves they're life is full of something).
So get over yourselves, and just scream to get the air in your lungs, like you did that first time when all that life was, was an extended period of possibilities, and a whole lot to discover.