You know, most people categorize people who think of death as something imminent as depressive, lacking purpose and such; hovewer, I couldn't disagree more.
I mean, it's not as simple as it seems, to embrace the fact that in a not so far away future, we will be dead, and we will be forgotten, and everything we lived for will just be a page in whatever type of life we led. If, in fact, there are pages in our lives, or records, for that matter.
I take pictures...I take a lot of pictures, though lately I find it harder and harder to publish them online. Why? Because I'm selfish.
And I like looking at the pictures I take, and not sharing them.
There goes my career as a photographer look!!!! (flushing sound) heck no! There are some that I show.
Truth is, photographs are not only a record of what happened, of the people you know, of what you've done; they are also a part of whoever took them.
To explain this better, cause I tend to go offtopic in a second, whoever takes the picture leaves his own, personal, special view of whatever he/she is capturing.
You see, there are a thousand angles to an image, even more, in fact, and there is no way of being objective when taking a picture.
It is YOUR way of seeing, your way of looking at the world, and it is in fact painful sometimes to share.
Of course, it is different when you take photos of people you don't know, or random events or parties, but say, you take a picture of someone you love, a friend, relative, partner, or whatever, it is different....why? Because noone sees the person you're taking pictures of with your eyes. Because MAYBE in your eyes, a picture, or a person is beautiful because of how much LOVE you put into it, or them.
So I guess I'm going offtopic again, but man, love is, definitely, the most beautiful, amazing, heart-filling, mindfucking feeling in the whole world.
And in this world, the one I live in, as I see it, everyone deserves to be loved...
So, love.
Love Love Love Love, and don't give a fuck about getting anything back, because nothing should make you feel fuller than having the ability to love, unconditionally, forever, and in such a great scale that it's unmeasurable.
Happy New Year!