I remember.
I remember you.
I remember me.
It was just me, you, and nothingness.
It was simpler than it seemed.
It was appealing.
It was mine.
It was yours.
It belonged to everyone.
It was meant to be given.
It was meant to be taken.
It wasn’t given.
It wasn’t taken.
Cause it was not mine in the end.
Cause it was not yours either.
Cause it did not belong to everyone.
Cause it never really existed.
You got caught up in a mental drama.
I got caught up in a mental drama.
It should’ve been easier...
You saw more to it.
I did not want to see.
I saw more to it.
You didn’t see anymore.
You know they say things happen for a reason…
I know this happened for no reason at all.
It was just…what it was…and what it wasn’t.
It was just me.
It was just you.
And now it hit me…
I was only caring for myself.
And you were only caring for yourself.
Individuality is something you can never share. And I’m sorry I misjudged. Both of us.
I'll just let the music play...and see where it takes me this time.
Love, always