Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Radio Analogy

Why does it always happen the wrong way?
What is it with life that makes me start by the ending, the destruction, apocalypse or whatever knowing....yeah cause I know that one way or another I'll come to see you again, and things will be talked about, a level of understanding will be reached, and things will be less crappy, and happier for a little while, until I realise that everything that apocalypsed everything in the beginning was the ony reason why I was actually interested...
It's weird, cause, truth be told, what do I have in common with you? besides appeal, I don't think there's a lot...musical taste maybe, you dig a lot more indie, but who knows...maybe I dig indie and IDK. But what the hell am I thinking if you're an absolute asshole who only cares about his own face and doesn't even care about anyone else's.
Maybe staring at yourself in the mirror for long enough will make u see in how many levels you were wrong. With yourself, cause seriously, I don't give a shit anymore...I just want you to talk to me because I enjoy it, I don't care if you're not interested in me, I just want to listen to it really that complicated?
You're like a radio I like. I mean, I don't want you around 24/7, I don't wanna share you with all of my friends, but I'd like to have you at hand when I want you.
Well that's totally selfish....true...but that's why I chose the "radio analogy option" cause in essence, listening to someone is, in core, helping them, and why not, keep them company?

I feel like a total ass sharing the basic communication abilities with you lot, the BASIC social health's like everybody knows there are such things as social understanding rules and shit, but don't give a fuck about them at all...

I while you go through the step 1 step 2 step 3 Discard all over again, I'll just be waiting for the top to stop spinning and get you back to where we started, or hopefully, where we left off....cause it's getting kinda boring, and I like u to bits XD lol that came out funny.