Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lip gloss and ultra fun stuff to get my mind off...


Well, I'm sorry but I had to, I've been looking at websites related to fashion beauty and makeup all week...and god would I love to have enough money to buy everything from clothes to contacts.

I guess I can be really shallow sometimes...but the truth is... looking pretty makes me feel better about myself, and feeling better about myself makes me act better and more self confident around other which in general not only attracts the right kind of people, but also ensures a positive and merry life, as long as feeling good, makes you happy.

And it should, if you think about it.

So, even though this will not have as big a kazaam, BANG, or baboom as my other texts which my one person audience enjoys :D
Here's something for the girls to look at, and maybe see if any of these sites relates to them, or makes them think, hey, I'd look really nice in that...or

I drink to self-esteem boosters, even virtual ones...and trust month, my credit card'll have Victoria's Secret written all over it. XD

Love y'all :D

There's a lot more, but you just gotta wait for the next issue (includes shoes:))